
New CiNet Webpage

After much time and effort, we've completed the new CiNet international webpage. Special thanks to Aya (photographer), Keiko (CiNet), and Toppan Publishing Company.

Check it out here.

If you are interested in using the same photographer and company, please contact me for more information and a recommendation.


BCCJ Accumen

Th Magazine of the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan runs an article about British scientists working in Japan - see here


$11.3 million MEXT grant awarded

We have just been awarded a $11.3 million 5 year grant as part of the collaborative group led by Prof Mitsuo Kawato, to study brain machine interfaces. This research will be based at ATR, and will include new studies looking into the feasibility of brain machine interfaces for chronic pain.


Post-doc / RA position available at ATR

We are currently looking for a post-doc or research assistant to work at ATR to study pain processing with fMRI. The post is available immediately, and involves using advanced neuroimaging methods to study basic neural processing of pain-related perception and motivation. The post is funded by MEXT (i.e. Japanese government research funding)

ATR is a well established multi-disciplinary research laboratory situated between the ancient cities of Nara and Kyoto. It is best known as a leading center for neuroscience and robotics, and has excellent facilities for fMRI (Verio and Trio 3T magnets) and MEG. 

My lab is based jointly at CiNet in Osaka, and ATR. The appointment would favour someone who is able to work relatively independently, so experience in fMRI experimental and analysis is desired. 

Please contact me if you are interested.



Neurotechnology Science Cafe - Monday 18th November

Join us for an evening discussing the future of neurotechnology. This event is being held in conjunction with the British Consulate General at the Knowledge Salon at the Grand Front Osaka.

Wako Yoshida (ATR) will host a line of speakers including:

"Smart houses", Jamilah Rahim, ATR 
"Mind-reading", Tomoyasu Horikawa, NAIST
"Neurofeedback", Saori Tanaka, Osaka University 
"Cognitive robotics", Eduardo Cantello, CiNet 
"Brain machine interfaces", Ben Seymour, Cambridge University
"Innovation strategies of the future: lessons from neuroscience", Kristen Cardinal, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

If you want to attend (free), please register here:


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