Pain, Action and Motor Control Symposium: 20-22nd Jan, Osaka
Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 09:47PM
Ben Seymour


The Role of Pain in Bodily Defense and Autonomy

Date: 20 – 22 January, 2020
Venue: Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), Osaka


URL and FREE registration:

Abstract: How does the brain generate the conscious perception of pain, and how does this help protect our bodily integrity? This interdisciplinary workshop bringing together researchers to discuss pain, action, and movement. Talks will range from understanding the theoretical basis of defensive systems in autonomous control, understanding the function of action and pain in health and disease.


Ben Seymour (Cambridge, CiNet/NICT)
Nobuhiro Hagura (CiNet/NICT)
Takufumi Yanagisawa (Osaka University)

Invited Speakers
Rebeccah Slater(Oxford)
Sven Bestmann(UCL)
Victoria Chapman(Nottingham)
Gareth Hathway(Nottingham)
Markus Ploner(Munich)
Sang Wan Lee(KAIST)
Francesca Fardo(Aarhus)
Stella Koutsikou(Kent)
Abby Tabor(Bath)
Flavia Mancini(Cambridge)
Vicky Root(OXford, UCL)
Josh Johansen(RIKEN CBS)
Tatsuya Umeda(NCNP)
Masaya Hirashima(CiNet/NICT)
Tsuyoshi Ikegami(Columbia, CiNet/NICT)


Sponsors: ERATO, Versus Arthritis, IITP

Organising Institutions: NICT, CiNet, Osaka University.

Article originally appeared on seymourlab (
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