We are currently looking for a post-doc or research assistant to work at ATR to study pain processing with fMRI. The post is available immediately, and involves using advanced neuroimaging methods to study basic neural processing of pain-related perception and motivation. The post is funded by MEXT (i.e. Japanese government research funding)
ATR is a well established multi-disciplinary research laboratory situated between the ancient cities of Nara and Kyoto. It is best known as a leading center for neuroscience and robotics, and has excellent facilities for fMRI (Verio and Trio 3T magnets) and MEG.
My lab is based jointly at CiNet in Osaka, and ATR. The appointment would favour someone who is able to work relatively independently, so experience in fMRI experimental and analysis is desired.
Please contact me if you are interested.
Closing date is 10th Jan. Please apply via this link: http://www.cns.atr.jp/dcn/en/job-e/#pain