BMI Pleasure Pod
Monday, August 6, 2012 at 03:40AM
Ben Seymour

Over the last 6 months we've been working on a slightly unusual project - a neuro- and bio-responsive pleasure pod, in collaboration with architectural food artists  Bompas and Parr, generative visual artist Matt Pearson, and contemporary artistic designers from Jotta

Here's the concept: real-time physiological, facial EMG and neural data are recorded and analysed online, and parameters control a complex, computer generated visual and auditory display projected within an enclosed pod. The data is tuned to affective (emotional) responses, and since the feedback projection is designed to be aesthetic, this in turn elicits it's own affective response. This generates a closed-loop system, realised as an immersive multi-sensory fusion. In the project above, you sit in the pod (modeled aboved by Kelly Brook) and eat an ice-cream (a Magnum Infinity - thanks to our sponsors). Your response to the ice-cream stimulates an evolving, dynamic and (hopefully) aesthetically enhanced experience.


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