We are always interested in hearing from anyone who would like to do research in the lab - either as a substantive post-doc / doctoral student, or as a short term visiting researcher.
The Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet) in Osaka, Japan, is a new dedicated neuroscience research institute with state-of-the-art neuroimaging facilities, and promises to become a world-class neuroscience center. Our research combines computational and experimental studies, especially fMRI, to ask fundamental questions about how pain and aversive experiences are processed in the brain. Our particular interests include Reinforcement Learning models of pain and aversive decision-making, perceptual models of pain and its modulation, decoding pain in the brain, neuroeconomic and social neuroscience studies of pain, and novel therapeutic methods using brain-machine interfaces. Research is based in a new lab run by Dr Ben Seymour at CiNet at Osaka University, and affiliated with the Computational and Biological Learning Lab at the University of Cambridge (UK).
The lab is run fully in English, and international fellows are well looked after with regards living in Japan. There are a range of competitively-run funding options, so if you're interested, please contact me: seymour@cinet.jp / bjs49@cam.ac.uk
Posted on 25th June 2012