The lab has led a longstanding collaboration between the UK and Japan since 2013, which has involved a number of joint meetings (workshops/symposia/conferences), at least 10 substantive researcher exchange visits and many more short visits, over $1m joint research and exchange funding, and at least 25 joint papers. We continue to have a formal link with ATR Labs in Kyoto, and maintain close links with CiNet (NICT) and Osaka University. We have active collaborations with several labs, including Takufumi Yanagisawa (Osaka University), Mitsuo Kawato (ATR Labs) and Ai Koizumi (Sony CSL).
Joint funding
UKRI Responsible Neurotechnologies for Chronic Pain Network+ is a multicentre UK-based network for responsible innovation and building capacity in neurotechnologies for chronic pain, and enjoys an active partnership with the Consortium for Applied Neuroscience (CAN).
UK-Japan consortium: Pain, Action, Movement Network, funded by Versus Arthritis (UK) and CiNet (Japan), Involving Cambridge University, Oxford University and UCL; and CiNet (NICT), Osaka University and ATR Labs. 2017-2022.
JSPS International Collaborative Research Program: Cambridge Univeristy, UCL and Princeton University, and Osaka Univeristy and CiNet (NICT). 2015-2017
UK Consulate in Japan, 2015
Sasakawa Foundation (UK), 2014
Joint meetings
International Workshop: 'Virtual Reality for Chronic Pain', Dec 2022 at Oxford.
International Symposium: 'Pain, Action and Motor Control', Jan 2020 at CiNet
International Symposium: Behaviour and Brain Networks Underlying Psychiatric Disease, JNSS Tokyo 2016
Kyoto-Cambridge OCD symposium, Kyoto. Dec 2015
First CiNet International Conference: New Directions in Pain Neuroscience, Dec 2015 at CiNet
International Science Café: 'Neurotechnology', Grand Front Osaka (2013)
Research Exchange visits
UK to Japan: Harry Barber (2014,2015), Benedetto de Martino (2015), Maria Joao-Rosa (2015), Maya Fooks (2017), Jayne Pickering (2018).
Japan to UK: Hiro Mano (2015), Wako Yoshida (2015), Masaki Maruyama (2016), Osamu Akiyama (2019).
Joint papers
Yanagisawa, T., Fukuma, R., Seymour, B., Tanaka, M., Yamashita, O., Hosomi, K., ... & Saitoh, Y. (2022). Neurofeedback Training without Explicit Phantom Hand Movements and Hand-Like Visual Feedback to Modulate Pain: A Randomized Crossover Feasibility Trial. The Journal of Pain, 23(12), 2080-2091.
Tanaka, S. C., Yamashita, A., Yahata, N., Itahashi, T., Lisi, G., Yamada, T., ... & Imamizu, H. (2021). A multi-site, multi-disorder resting-state magnetic resonance image database. Scientific data, 8(1), 1-15.
Yanagisawa, T., Fukuma, R., Seymour, B., Tanaka, M., Hosomi, K., Yamashita, O., ... & Saitoh, Y. (2020). BCI training to move a virtual hand reduces phantom limb pain: A randomized crossover trial. Neurology, 95(4), e417-e426.
Zhang, S., Yoshida, W., Mano, H., Yanagisawa, T., Mancini, F., Shibata, K., ... & Seymour, B. (2020). Pain control by co-adaptive learning in a brain-machine interface. Current Biology, 30(20), 3935-3944.
Takenaka, S., Kan, S., Seymour, B., Makino, T., Sakai, Y., Kushioka, J., Tanaka, H., Watanabe, Y., Shibata, M., Yoshikawa, H. and Kaito, T., 2019. Towards prognostic functional brain biomarkers for cervical myelopathy: A resting-state fMRI study. Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-8.
Taylor, J.E., Lau, H., Seymour, B., Nakae, A., Sumioka, H., Kawato, M. and Koizumi, A., 2020. An Evolutionarily Threat-Relevant Odor Strengthens Human Fear Memory. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, p.255.
Naho, I., Giuseppe, L., Noriaki, Y., Go, O., Masahiro, T., Ryu-ichiro, H., Yamada, T., Makiko, Y., Tetsuya, S., Sho, M. and Masaru, M., 2020. Primary functional brain connections associated with melancholic major depressive disorder and modulation by antidepressants. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), 10(1).
Johansen, J.P. and Seymour, B., 2019. Editorial overview: Pain and aversive motivation. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 26, pp.iii-v.
Yanagisawa, T., Fukuma, R., Seymour, B., Hosomi, K., Kishima, H., Shimizu, T., Yokoi, H., Hirata, M., Yoshimine, T., Kamitani, Y. and Saitoh, Y., 2019. Using a BCI Prosthetic Hand to Control Phantom Limb Pain. In Brain-Computer Interface Research (pp. 43-52). Springer, Cham.
Morris, L.S., Sprenger, C., Koda, K., de la Mora, D.M., Yamada, T., Mano, H., Kashiwagi, Y., Yoshioka, Y., Morioka, Y. and Seymour, B., 2018. Anterior cingulate cortex connectivity is associated with suppression of behaviour in a rat model of chronic pain. Brain and neuroscience advances, 2, p.2398212818779646.
Mano, H., Kotecha, G., Leibnitz, K., Matsubara, T., Sprenger, C., Nakae, A., Shenker, N., Shibata, M., Voon, V., Yoshida, W. and Lee, M., 2018. Classification and characterisation of brain network changes in chronic back pain: A multicenter study. Wellcome open research, 3.
Zhang, S., Mano, H., Lee, M., Yoshida, W., Kawato, M., Robbins, T.W. and Seymour, B., 2018. The control of tonic pain by active relief learning. Elife, 7, p.e31949.
Wang, O., Lee, S.W., O’Doherty, J., Seymour, B. and Yoshida, W., 2018. Model-based and model-free pain avoidance learning. Brain and neuroscience advances, 2, p.2398212818772964.
Yamashita, M., Yoshihara, Y., Hashimoto, R., Yahata, N., Ichikawa, N., Sakai, Y., Yamada, T., Matsukawa, N., Okada, G., Tanaka, S.C. and Kasai, K., 2018. A prediction model of working memory across health and psychiatric disease using whole-brain functional connectivity. Elife, 7, p.e38844.
Piccolo, L., Dalla Libera, F., Bonarini, A., Seymour, B. and Ishiguro, H., 2017, September. Pain and self-preservation in autonomous robots: From neurobiological models to psychiatric disease. In 2017 Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob) (pp. 263-270). IEEE.
Lancaster, J., Mano, H., Callan, D., Kawato, M. and Seymour, B., 2017, May. Decoding acute pain with combined EEG and physiological data. In 2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER) (pp. 521-524). IEEE.
Mano, H., Yoshida, W., Shibata, K., Zhang, S., Koltzenburg, M., Kawato, M. and Seymour, B., 2017. Thermosensory perceptual learning is associated with structural brain changes in parietal–opercular (SII) Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(39), pp.9380-9388.
Zhang, S., Mano, H., Ganesh, G., Robbins, T. and Seymour, B., 2016. Dissociable learning processes underlie human pain conditioning. Current Biology, 26(1), pp.52-58.
Seymour, B., Maruyama, M. and De Martino, B., 2015. When is a loss a loss? Excitatory and inhibitory processes in loss-related decision-making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 5, pp.122-127.
Yanagisawa, T., Fukuma, R., Seymour, B., Hosomi, K., Kishima, H., Shimizu, T., Yokoi, H., Hirata, M., Yoshimine, T., Kamitani, Y. and Saitoh, Y., 2016. Induced sensorimotor brain plasticity controls pain in phantom limb patients. Nature communications, 7(1), pp.1-11.
Koizumi, A., Amano, K., Cortese, A., Shibata, K., Yoshida, W., Seymour, B., Kawato, M. and Lau, H., 2016. Fear reduction without fear through reinforcement of neural activity that bypasses conscious exposure. Nature human behaviour, 1(1), pp.1-7.
Seymour, B., Maruyama, M. and De Martino, B., 2015. When is a loss a loss? Excitatory and inhibitory processes in loss-related decision-making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 5, pp.122-127.
Hosomi, K., Seymour, B. and Saitoh, Y., 2015. Modulating the pain network—neurostimulation for central poststroke pain. Nature Reviews Neurology, 11(5), p.290.
Yoshida, W. and Seymour, B., 2014. Decisions about decisions. Neuron, 81(3), pp.468-470.